TSRC Infrastructure and Experimental Projects – Stuff we’re building and doing

7×16 Support Trailer

Radio kits in SKB cases – IC-7300 shown.

TSRC has plenty of projects underway – see one that interests you? Want to start a new one? We always need help, and it’s a great way to learn new skills or add your own to the effort.

Communications Trailer Replacement

Our original is 17 years old! Doesn’t seem that long. We’re in the middle of purchasing its replacement, and will begin modifications and construction as soon as it arrives. It’s expected to take anywhere from 6 to 12 months.

  • All aluminum 7×16 trailer – more interior space!
  • Roof mounted quiet air conditioner and heat pump
  • Walk-on roof with access ladder
  • More roof-mounted antennas
  • Front-mounted 31′ crankup mast
  • Moving same interior bench assembly to new trailer – new countertop
  • 14′ manual awning on right side

Contact Al, AE1H for more information.

Support Trailer is Nearly Done

It’s a 7’x16′ all-aluminum cargo trailer with an RV side door and drop-down rear ramp. It hauls much of the club’s equipment and provide space for an additional operating position for Field Day or large public service events. Everything is done except the front storage cabinet. This trailer has:

  • 7′ workbench with parts and tool storage drawers
  • On-board battery and charger/power supply
  • AC power center
  • Bright LED lighting inside and out
  • Carpeted interior walls, painted floor panels, both sides
  • Storage for multiple HF beams and VHF/UHF verticals
  • Shelves for radio equipment cases, test gear, APRS trackers, etc. 
  • 2 NMO antenna mounts (small antennas only due to thin roof metal)
  • Forward and aft cable entry ports
  • Folding tables and chairs
  • 10’x15″ canopy
  • Both AB-577 military towers
  • Cables, push-up masts, sandbags, portable lighting, and more
  • Room for a generator and fuel
  •  (If you have a 2-5/16″ hitch and electric brake controller on your full-size pickup or SUV, AE1H would like to hear from you!)


These are lightweight Mylar helium balloons equipped with tracking transmitters and tiny solar panels that can circumnavigate the world many times. We can track the balloons online. The man behind this project is Don KB1VP.

Field Deployment Kits

As a result of several large equipment donations, we’re considering task-specific kits, such as one for Summits On The Air (SOTA) and US Islands activations, and a Winlink Pactor 3 go-kit. Do you have any ideas? Contact Dave WA1ZCN. (pix of current HF kits at left)

Newbury, VT Repeater Site

We’re working to secure a new site for the 147.345+, 136.5 Hz. It will be linked via the 222 MHz system. Contact Dave N1HAC, TSRC Repeater Manager.

Repeater System Upgrades

The old GE Mastr II repeaters in use on Moose Mt. and East Corinth are in need of replacement due to an increase in maintenance needs. We’re in the process of acquiring and modifying newer Mastr III repeaters. At the same time, we’ll be installing a new S-Com 7330 repeater controller to replace the aging and somewhat funky Link RLC-2 on Moose Mt. Contact Dave N1HAC.

Amateur Radio License Test Prep

We’re looking for a new test session coordinator to replace Ray WA1ORT, who we really miss. RIP, Ray.

Digipeater/iGate Expansion

To better support local public service events like The Prouty, Vermont 100, Vermont 50, Covered Bridge Half-Marathon, and others, we’re building out the network of APRS site. If you’d like to host either a digipeater or iGate station, get in touch with Steve W1HS to see if your site is would be useful.

HF Beam “Portable-izing”

We have two HF and one 6m beam to make fully portable, which makes setup and tear down far easier. This involves permanently attaching boom saddle-blocks, slitting element ends and adding thumb-turn hose clamps, etc. If you’ve seen our portablized Moseley Mini-33A beam, you’ll know what the goal is. Hopefully we’ll get a crew of three or four together this spring, pandemic permitting. Contact Dave, WA1ZCN.

Inventory Management System

With club-owned equipment at locations all over the Upper Valley region, we needed a better way to keep track of and identify everything, and Adam KC1GDW created it. We’re slowly adding everything to the database, and selling off unused items. Contact club Secretary, Scott KC1LDI.

Download the Valley News 2017 Field Day article here.